Thursday, October 11, 2012

Religion and State in Israel - October 11, 2012 (Section 2)

Religion and State in Israel

Editor – Joel Katz
Religion and State in Israel is not affiliated with any organization or movement.

Controversial design, featuring dancing women and Herzl in a beit midrash, is selling by the thousands.

As the newly hired rabbi of Kehillat Magen Avraham, Sadoff led a mostly sabra community in prayer and delivered his sermon - about how to cope with major life transitions - in fluent if slightly accented Hebrew.

By Rachel Neeman
This question in turn leads us to wonder whether we do indeed live in a secular culture, or only pretend that we do, and have in actuality become addicted to rituals such as prostration on the graves of rabbis and buying amulets blessed by kabbalists.
Israeli culture, which initially grew out of a rejection of religion and all that it stands for, is today apologetic at best and addicted to religious ritual at worst, and no longer even dreams of a separation of religion and state.

Trailer with English Subtitles
Shira, the youngest daughter of an Orthodox Hassidic family from Tel Aviv has to choose between her heart's wish and her family duty

The Church of Scientology opened its gleaming new center in Jaffa with great fanfare last month. But the notoriously secretive organization does not appreciate when its members ask too many questions, as Dani and Tami Lemberger, longtime Scientologists from Haifa, have found out.

It is unfathomable that some Israelis risk their lives to defend country while others do nothing
By Arsen Ostrovsky

Spiritual longings of Israeli tycoons is plain old superstition, the age-old desire in a world of uncertainties to think one has a leg up on the future.

By Neri Livneh
Who is working for whom - Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto for the Israeli businessman Nochi Dankner, or vice versa?

CARTOON: "Knock, Knock" [former Shas Minister Aryeh Deri]
"Who could that be?" [Shas Minister Eli Yishai; Rabbi Ovadia Yosef]
©Haaretz cartoon by Amos Biderman - October 11, 2012

Editor – Joel Katz
Religion and State in Israel is not affiliated with any organization or movement.
All rights reserved.